Meteorite hunting in glen, moor and desert

The Strathmore meteorite
Perthshire, Scotland 1917

The Strathmore meteorite
lodge 93 years later

Hunting the Strathmore
strewnfield to its outer limits

Hambleton district,
Yorkshire, England

Kilburn village, in the shadow
of the White Horse

Meteorite hunting
somewhere in Scotland

Yes, we had permission to
hunt through the mud

Rock piles can be good
places to search

More rocks

....and more!

Me in the ruins of a 15th
century manor house

Lots of local stone but
nothing interesting

Molehills aplenty

Another field to search

Back where we started

Driving into the desert

The Holbrook strewnfield

Hunting buddy Gregory
Wilson & me

And Holbrook's
Dave Andrews

Railroad tracks split the
strewnfield down the middle

Nice contraction cracks
(on an old bit of rubber)

A typical Holbrook
meteorite in-situ

Far side of the tracks

Far side again

Right on the edge of the
strewnfield we still made finds

Me, standing in Nininger's
bath tub, clutching a souvenir
Meteorite Hunting in
Park Forest, Illinois
Meteorite Hunting in
Moss, Norway
Meteorite Hunting in
Wold Cottage, England
Meteorite Hunts

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Fernlea, The Wynd, Milton of Balgonie, Fife. KY7 6PY United Kingdom
Please - no requests to authenticate old rock and stone finds
I've heard the "My grandad saw it fall in a field and gave it to me!" story (and all variations) a zillion times
Telephone: 07880-888660

© Rob Elliott